
SERVICES Description

Reduction in breast volume in men.

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    Gynecomastia refers to the reduction in breast volume in men. It may be due to an increase in the mass of the gland, increased fat deposition, or a combination of these. In both cases there is a similar distension of the overlying skin, which should be treated in combination. It is a very easy and painless procedure for men who want to get rid of fat in their chest.

    After the relevant investigation, the condition is treated surgically. Typical methods are liposuction, removal of a mass gland and skin segment, or a combination of these two methods. The types of anesthesia used are drowsiness or general anesthesia. The surgery is done through small incisions of about one centimeter for this and is not obvious. The convergence of the incisions is done with absorbable sutures and then a compression bandage is placed. The end result is amazing, giving a masculine chest, removing the unsightly fat.