
SERVICES Description

Designed to give a more beautiful, youthful and as natural as possible look.

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    The anti-aging process has been occupying Plastic Surgery since the beginning of the century.

    The face lifting or wrinklectomy today is the only solution that repositiones the human face tissues in their original position as they themselves relax inevitably over the years.
    It is a surgery that improves the visible signs of aging on the face and neck. In particular, general relaxation of the skin and relaxation of the average face, deep wrinkles in the areas above and below the corner of the mouth, the areas of the cheeks in which the tissues have been dropped / displaced, as well as relaxation in area of the neck with additional fat deposition that gives the form of the “double jaw”.

    Each person, during the phase and the age, is treated as a distinct clinical and aesthetic entity. The applied techniques are designed to give a more beautiful, youthful and as natural as possible look, and not to alter the basic features by creating a provocatively image.

    This surgery usually involves people who have overcome the 4th decade of their lives and also younger people who prefer a real and substantial revitalization of their face. A modern lifting is based on the respect for the characteristics of the face and the harmony in its rebuilding.

    The technique of facelift depends on the needs of each person. Because of the urgent need for rapid return of the patient to the public in the last few years, techniques are used that allow the patient to be relatively quickly reintegrated into the work and social environment (S-Lift, MACS Lift, BAAPS Lift).

    Excessive skin is done without exerting high tension on the skin so that the effects of lifting can be achieved by re-arranging the internal tissues rather than by pulling the skin. The whole procedure is done under drowsiness and local anesthesia. The patient is hospitalized for one night and returns to his home the next day. The scars from the lifting are hidden in the hair or in the natural aspects of the face and over time are lost. The Rhytidectomy is a high-precision aesthetic surgery, it requires special experience by the Plastic Surgeon and nowadays it can help the person concerned in every problem. The results of the surgery are surprising and long-lasting.

    Detailed information on your case will be given after your examination by the Plastic Surgeon.